2019 Annual Meeting

Firearm Access: Risks to Students and Interventions for Health Care Providers (Room Vail)

29 May 19
4:45 PM - 5:45 PM

Tracks: Credit-AAFP-P, Credit-CHES, Credit-CME, Credit-CNE, Credit-CPEU, Credit-NASW, Credit-PsyCE, Management, Session Badge - Leadership

CME:1  AAFP-P:1  CNE:1  CHES:1  PsyCE:1  NASW:1  CPEU:1  

Leadership, Management

After this session, attendees should be able to:

  1. Describe the impact of firearm access on the health of college students.
  2. Identify ways in which health care providers can address firearm safety in the clinical setting.

Program Abstract:
Firearms are one of the leading causes of death for young adults 19-24. This talk will explore the impact firearms pose to college students and efforts that health care providers can utilize to mitigate these risks. We will review school shootings as they relate to the safety of all campus personnel, and legislation that is effective towards decreasing morbidity and mortality related to firearms.

This session is sponsored by the American College Health Foundation Health Promotion in Higher Education Fund.