2019 Annual Meeting

Sexual Health Nurse Specialists: An Innovative Campus Program for STI Testing, Contraception and Education (Room Grand Ballroom)

29 May 19
4:45 PM - 5:45 PM

Tracks: Credit-CHES, Credit-CME, Credit-CNE, Credit-CPEU, Management, Session Badge - Toolbox

CME:1  CNE:1/.10  CHES:1.5  CPEU:1  

Management, Toolbox

After this session, attendees should be able to:

  1. Discuss the benefits of developing sexual health nurse specialists inyour clinic.
  2. Describe the CDC recommended STI guidelines for asymptomatic screening and how nurses can contribute to this standard of care.
  3. Describe counseling techniques that promote sensitive sexual health counseling for students of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities.

Program Abstract:
Sexual health and education are some of the core needs of college students. With rising STI rates, colleges must be open to innovative screening programs which enhance access to care. Registered nurses are well-positioned in college and university health centers to provide comprehensive, individualized sexual health services for students of all gender identities and sexual orientation. This program will discuss the benefits and practicalities of developing a nurse-led sexual health program that encompasses risk reduction education, contraceptive counseling and STI screening.