RFMA 2019

1st RIF TALK - 7:50 - 7:58 am - The PM Paradox - Pay Now or Pay Later (Room Austin CC - Ballroom A)

12 Feb 19
7:45 AM - 8:45 AM

Tracks: RIF Talks

Preventative Maintenance seems to be the ever-elusive missing puzzle piece to every FM’s master plan. We all know the objective – to be proactive, address problems before they translate to downtime, and prolong the life expectancy of your assets. Why then, do PMs always seem to be the Achilles heal of our operation? They are rarely done correctly, things are missed or forgotten, and we can’t REALLY track our returns for years after we start an agreement. I’ll discuss how to evaluate the value of PMs BEFORE choosing a company. Should you pick the cheapest service and hope for the best? Or go with the most expensive and expect flawless results? Or… is there a middle-ground?