RFMA 2019

Grow Your Team: Adding In-House Technicians to Your Vendor Partnerships (Room Austin CC - 7)

Are you under pressure to reduce ongoing costs? It may seem intuitive that staff technicians cost less than hiring vendors, but it’s also more for the FM staff to manage! How can you be sure the business case is real? RPM Pizza has spent the past 2 years making this transformation. Leave this session with the plan and the connections you need to get it done. After attending this session, you will: 1: Understand the business case for mixing techs & vendors, and for managing critical equipment in-house. 2: Understand the process of beginning to add techs to the mix, how to get started and overcome common pitfalls. 3: Recognize both pros and cons to changing the operating model when you've never had techs before, and learn RPM’s proven approaches to making your program successful.