RFMA 2019

What Does Your V.I.B.E. Say About You as a Leader? (Room Austin CC - 10AB)

12 Feb 19
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Leadership Sessions


Leadership is challenging. Successful leaders recognize that what’s beneath the surface of themselves and others is more relevant to success than what’s on the outside. To truly understand what makes us tick, we must be willing to explore the deeper levels of human awareness. The journey of self-exploration has four hidden elements. They can be described as your Leadership V.I.B.E.

Your V.I.B.E (Values, Interests, Beliefs and Energy sources) is the way you come across to others. Understanding it will help you be a better leader. A Gallup report from 2012 showed that less than one-third of Americans felt engaged in the workplace. At the same time, more than 50% of working Americans report that they are completely satisfied or very satisfied with their work. This means that most individuals feel disengaged, yet the majority is nonetheless pleased, i.e. happy with the work that they do. There is a disconnect between involvement and fulfillment, between achievement and personal growth. Attend this session to bridge the gap with the tools Shannon will provide in the V.I.B.E. of workplace leaders and management content.

Special thanks to our Signature Speaker Sponsors!