RFMA 2019

You Want What? When? How Much? Why Didn't You Tell Me? Solutions for Communication Issues Between FMs and Their Vendor Partners Part II (Room Austin CC - 8)

Based on feedback from our session at RFMA 2018 we decided to create Part II of this topic where will expand upon the foundation of what was covered in Part I. As noted previously, Restaurant facility management professionals and vendors work in multiple CMMS systems today requiring up to the minute updates and notes added to work orders. This time our presentation will focus on the components of the communication issues stumbling blocks that interfere with what it takes to create true partnerships between FMs and their service partners: Integrity, Prompt Communication, Honesty, Fair pricing, on time performance, adherence to SLAs and transparency. This will again be an interactive session involving both panel members and session attendees. Let’s have some fun while working together to understand and solve common concerns.