National Institute 2019

T1 | Navigate the Legal Aspects of Blended, Virtual Learning (Room Naples)

06 May 19
10:45 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Digital Learning Solutions

The benefits of virtual learning and utilizing technology to facilitate and expand educational opportunities for students with disabilities are innumerable — and the potential legal missteps can be just as infinite. Attorney Betsey Helfrich will examine the legal aspects that districts must consider when implementing virtual, blended, or “flipped” learning for special education students. You'll learn what steps IEP teams must take when a student moves from a brick-and-mortar school to a full-time virtual environment or when a school introduces aspects of blended learning into classrooms. And you'll take home tools and tips to maintain compliance with IDEA and Section 504 requirements and avoid the legal pitfalls that can arise with digital learning environments.