National Institute 2019

T2 | AT Devices and Services: Responding to a Request, Evaluating the Need, and Documenting the Decision (Room Naples)

06 May 19
1:30 PM - 2:45 PM

Tracks: Digital Learning Solutions

The IDEA requires IEP teams to consider whether a child needs assistive technology devices and services. Such devices and services must be provided if necessary to ensure FAPE. Attorney Rachel Hitch will provide an overview of the IDEA’s requirements related to assistive technology, including when an IEP team should seek an AT evaluation; what a team should do if a parent requests an evaluation, or AT device or service; how AT evaluations should be conducted; and how to document the team’s consideration and determination of providing an AT device or service. She also will review relevant case law and provide best practices for documenting AT in the IEP.