National Institute 2019

I6-R | No Excuses: Convening a Proper IEP Team (Room Osceola A)

08 May 19
8:00 AM - 9:15 AM

Tracks: IDEA

One of the primary and essential procedural obligations is convening a properly constituted IEP team. This presentation will guide you through the requirements of who MUST attend, who SHOULD attend, and how to navigate excusals, parent absences, and related procedural requirements. Through the lens of real-life scenarios and relevant case law, attorney Brandon Wright will explore how to be prepared, avoid common pitfalls, and ensure that parental participation is meaningful. He also will provide easy-to-implement takeaway tips for compliance. It is time to review your district's practices to make sure your IEP teams are the "right" people and not merely convened the same way they have always been done. This is a Fundamental Session.