National Institute 2019

PRE 6 | Mastering the Maze of IDEA/504 Requirements, School Safety and Mental Health - What’s “Hot” in Florida Special Education Law? (Room Miami)

Confused about the interplay between IDEA and Section 504 obligations and the new mandate to conduct threat assessments via threat assessment teams?  Unsure of the extent to which you must share information with other agency representatives?  A team of experts will answer these pertinent questions and more in this pre-symposium designed exclusively for Florida attendees striving to interpret the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School Public Safety Act, S. 7026. In addition to a legal overview from the perspective of a seasoned special education law attorney, Florida’s Chief of the Bureau of Exceptional Education and Student Services will share FDOE-level information regarding the status of SB 7026’s implementation and other “need to know” information. Also joining the panel, is a former Florida district superintendent who will add a school district perspective on special education legal issues, including school safety, mental health, and other “hot topics” in the state relating to maintaining compliance with and implementing IDEA/504.