AOC Symposium & Convention 2018

Vacuum Electron Device (VED) Industry Partnership Project (IPP) Introductory Meeting (Room Rm 156, Convention Center)

29 Nov 18
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM
Please join AOC Advocacy for the launch of our VED IPP! The VED IPP will explore how the U.S. Department of Defense, our foreign military partners, and the global defense industrial base are in a strong and cooperative position to advance VED technology, including traveling wave tubes (TWTs), TWT amplifiers (TWTAs), Microwave Power Modules (MPMs), and other power tube technology. Its purpose is to engage industry, government and military leaders, provide education and awareness, and networking/collaboration opportunities to advance leadership, policy, and industry solutions to developing advanced EW technology to support our warfighters in multidomain operations. Our inaugural meeting features Mr. Bryan Mitsdarffer, Executive Agent for DoD Microwave Technologies, talking about how the DoD and VED industry can strengthen collaboration. We will also discuss the VED IPP and what activities and deliverables would best serve the community during 2019 and beyond.