North American Snow Conference 2019

Automated Vehicles and Adverse Weather (Room 255E)

21 May 19
8:00 AM - 8:50 AM

Tracks: Emerging Technologies, Winter Fleet Operations & Equipment Management, Winter Maintenance Planning & Operations

Any vehicle, regardless of who or what is driving it, has limits in the kinds of atmospheric weather and road surface conditions that it can handle. Take this opportunity to hear and discuss the results of an ongoing FHWA research project on how automated vehicles perform in adverse weather. Among the issues to be covered are how well the vehicles' sensors and navigation systems perform when nearby vehicles and pavement markings are partially obscured; how road weather providers can best communicate information on current weather and road conditions to automated vehicles; and how an automated vehicle can determine whether a planned trip will be within the weather limits of its operational design domain (ODD).  This session will also offer information about FHWA Road Weather programs and initiatives including voluntary data exchanges to accelerate safe integration of automated vehicles, maintenance decision support systems, and road weather data collection initiatives such as Pathfinder, Integrating Mobile Observations (IMO), and Vehicle Data Transfer (VDT).