2019 ASD Market Week March

Try Before You Buy: A Great Opportunity or Returns Tsunami Risk? (Room Central Hall Lobby)

19 Mar 19
10:30 AM - 10:45 AM

Tracks: Independent Retailer Conference

More and more brands like Amazon, Stitch Fix and Trunk Club are catering to shopper’s tendencies by offering Try Before You Buy (TBYB), where many items go out and most come back. Does this represent a fantastic sales opportunity or a hellish returns scenario?
With returns predicted to reach $1 trillion dollars within a decade, can e-commerce companies leverage technology to take advantage of TBYB while also protecting their slim margins? This session will take a deep-dive look at the issue and explain how to prepare for increasing TBYB demand while avoiding getting swamped by the concurrent returns tsunami.
You will learn about:
The opportunities and risks inherent in TBYB
The retailer and consumer attitudes towards TBYB
The timeline for mainstream TBYB adoption and how to prepare
How to capitalize on TBYB while guarding against the returns tsunami