ASD Market Week July 2019

Driving Product Success and Positive Product Reviews Through Effective Sourcing and Quality Assurance (Room Central Floor, Booth # C3158)

30 Jul 19
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM

Tracks: Source Direct

The success of your product offerings, whether you offer private label or open market goods, depends heavily on finding the right source for product development and manufacturing, and on the quality of the final product that reaches your customers. Today’s savvy consumers demand high quality products at the most competitive price and you only get one chance to make a good impression. You may have the latest innovative, on-trend product but if the quality is not on-spec, it doesn’t arrive on time, or the price is not competitive, your chance to generate a positive customer review is greatly reduced or, even worse, may generate a product-killing bad review. In this session you’ll learn tips to engage in collaborative strategic sourcing that minimizes your risk, quality assurance best practices, and how to incorporate green initiatives to reduce your carbon footprint to drive product success for your brand and those all-important positive customer reviews.