FBNC 2019

Sleep and Skin (Room LL21C)

26 Aug 19
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM

Tracks: Science

Sleep deprivation, currently viewed by professionals as an epidemic, is reported as being the root cause of a host of potentially fatal diseases. Matthew walker, director for the Centre for Human Sleep Science at UCLA states that "no part of our biology is left unscathed by sleep deprivation.." Sleep is required for
repair on all levels, from promoting healthy skin, adrenal repair, hormonal balance, weight loss, mental health and overall general well being. We must remember that, it's not how long we sleep but the quality of sleep that counts. Amongst milennials, anxiety and depression along with weight gain are at an all time high again connected to sleep deprivation. This class will answer why; and help you understand the sleep, wake mechanism along with offering simple solutions and recommendations for treatments in the spa as well as suggestions for lifestyle routines at home.

To open the presentation a discussion with the audience about their own sleep patterns to determine what it is they are experiencing and some possible solutions they have tried. The first objective is to understand the relationship between sleep and chronic disease such as cancer, diabetes, Alzheimers and heart conditions. Second, what are factors or root causes associated with sleeplessness and that all important balance between the higher levels of cortisol created by stress and the production melatonin and seratonin and their relationship to sleep, mood, anxiety and depression. A discussion will also take place around wake times, as some people wake at the same time every night. How is this relevant? In TCM each wake time is associated with a particular organ deficiency. Solutions will come from essential oils, Bach flower remedies, nutrition and supplements.