FBNC 2019

Aromatic Enhancements in The Spa (Room 210C)

26 Aug 19
10:00 AM - 11:30 AM
When we enter the spa for relaxation away from the rush of everyday life clients have certain expectations. One of which is that luxurious, gentle smell of essential oils that lulls you into a wonderful state of relaxation even before you enter the treatment room. However, all essential oils are not created equal. How do you determine the quality of an essential oil and therefore its therapeutic chemistry which of course determines the overall effect on your client’s well-being? Working with correct dilution percentages and appropriate methods of application are of paramount importance along with simply making the correct choice to have the desired effect. Join Heidi as she takes you on an endless journey of aromatic possibilities that can easily be incorporated into your services to both elevate and improve your client’s well-being.