Dematerialized / Rematerialized

20 May 19
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: ICFF Talks CENTER Stage

We are living in a time of great change, where the natural and digital worlds have collided and humanity is facing uncertainty and turmoil. We have advances in technology and yet we also fall short of sustaining a healthy planet and population. This talk looks to explore new materials for a new age with the hope of progress within two categories: Dematerialized: How can materials and products reduce their materiality, reduce their footprint, and become more sustainable in a maxed-out world? Rematerialized: How can materials and products be rethought, remade, remanufactured with new ideas and processes to address over-consumption?

According to scientists, we are living in a new era called The Anthropocene, which is evidence of mankind’s damage to the planet. Anyone in the design community has a responsibility to incorporate best practices for making products and built spaces that are healthy for occupants and the environment alike. This talk re-examines materials used in design and questions how we can move to a new consumption model where materiality is an important change agent for good. Designers will learn about new materials, new processes for making, and most importantly become enlightened about this ever-changing sustainability movement and how they themselves can participate.