InterDrone 2019

Starting Your Public Safety UAV Program; focus on Law Enforcement (Part One) (Room Palma)

04 Sep 19
2:15 PM - 3:15 PM

Tracks: Law Enforcement, Public Safety

The number of public safety departments having implemented an UAV program has doubled annually since 2015. That very first step to get started, is not only the biggest to take, but also the one that has the most impact. This session will guide you through the process of getting your own command structure on board, preparing your departments UAV policy, SOP and training documentation, it will give pointers and back-up documentation for your presentation to your City/County Council for review and approval, getting your needed paperwork and FAA authorization together, and then will dive into how to best train and utilize the technology. This session is meant to provide valuable tips, information and guidance so that your process runs smoother, more effective and to potentially eliminate some of the common mistakes along the way.