InterDrone 2019

Wildfire UAV Deployments: What we did and learned at the Tubbs Fire, Carr Fire & Camp Fire (Room Tropical)

05 Sep 19
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

Tracks: Law Enforcement, Public Safety

Speaker(s): Romeo Durscher
What hopefully is not becoming the new norm, several large scale wild fires have caused tremendous devastation to California. This sessions presents the lessons learned from a Public Safety UAV Consortium deployment to 3 large scale events; Santa Rosa (October 2017), Redding (August 2018) and Paradise (November 2019). How over 1,000 UAV flights were coordinated, well over 100,000 images, panoramas, and videos were handled, how impactful various hardware and software technologies were and how important partnerships, standardization, and training really is.