InterDrone 2019

How to use MAVSDK to control MAVLink based drones (Room Amazon H-J)

05 Sep 19
11:15 AM - 12:15 PM

Tracks: Development and Hardware, PX4 Track

Learn from the project maintainer about the philosophy behind the library and get a walk through the top features “Actions,” “Telemetry,” “Missions,” “Camera,” “Gimbal,” “Offboard.” Learn how to target mobile and companion computers by using the language-specific SDKs available. The talk covers testing in simulation, both software, and hardware. The project maintainer is joined on stage by representatives from adopting organizations who share their experience working and integrating with the MAVSDK community. The MAVSDK project is a standards-compliant MAVLink Library with APIs for commonly used programming languages like C++, Swift, and Python. It’s the easiest way to integrate with drones over MAVLink, trusted by leading organizations in the industry.