PCBC 2019

Ladies Love Luxury (But Millennials Just Want In) (Room Lower Lobby, Room 7)

30 May 19
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM

Tracks: Affordability Solutions, Included with PCBC Passport, Land Acquisition, Development, Entitlement, Re-Think Conference

There’s no question that luxury stokes desire and creates a wow factor, and yet attainable housing is one of the most pressing issues facing our industry today. How will we respond to the challenge? Can we artfully plan, design, build and market homes that deliver both desirability and attainability? This dynamic panel from a mix of disciplines will share their experiences—personal and professional—on the challenges, opportunities and potential creative solutions to this dilemma. Get valuable insight into design trends, consumer research, the good, bad and ugly of BMR housing, and how builders are responding to women’s massively influential role in the buying process.

AIA CES Credit Eligible: LU 1.0 Hour(s)