HOW Design Live 2019

[Main Stage] Creativity is Power: Using and Sharing it for a Better World (Room Lakeside Ballroom)

08 May 19
9:00 AM - 9:45 AM
Artist, illustrator and author Lisa Congdon didn’t begin drawing or painting until she experienced a life crisis in her early thirties. But once she picked up a paintbrush, she was captivated and her world shifted. Eventually, she found her way not only into the worlds of art and illustration, client work, and publishing, but also into the lives of hundreds of thousands of people through sharing her work, her experiences as a working creative, and her messages of hope and perseverance through social media, her books and teaching. Join Lisa as she talks about her unconventional journey into a creative life, her passion for sharing information, her commitment to art as activism and her discoveries about the power that art and design have to change all of us for the better, both now and into the future.