HOW Design Live 2019

A Plastic Free Future: How Creative Brands Can Save the Planet & Create New Innovative Consumer Experiences (Room E450b)

08 May 19
11:00 AM - 11:45 AM

Tracks: Dieline Conference

We know plastic is killing our planet—and while the future may seem bleak, it doesn’t have to be. Package designers, brands, and manufacturers have the power to design the packaging of tomorrow, today. Dieline, the world’s premiere resource for packaging design, can show what the future of sustainable brands can be from companies that already make it a priority and have flourished with loyal customers as a result. There’s no doubt about it: the end of single-use plastic packaging is the future of our world. Not only is sustainable packaging a responsibility for every manufacturer and brand, but we will show you it’s also an incredible business opportunity, and a way to create innovative new brand experiences never before possible.