2022 NAHC Conference

Is My Revenue Right? Uncovering Revenue, Receivables, and Cash Flow Issues in Revenue Cycle (Room 122/123)

Assessing home health revenue accuracy is complicated. Varied payment models between Medicare, MA and other fee-for-service or value-based payers can make it difficult to answer questions, such as: “Is my revenue right?,” “Why are my receivables so high?,” and “Where is my cash?” It can often be difficult to make sense of changes in revenues, receivables, and cash flow when patient census and utilization do not seem to vary. This session will provide attendees with strategies for assessing how to identify subtle changes in operations that can have big impacts on revenue performance and cash flow, such as changes in coding practices, shifting volumes between PDGM and fee-for-service payers, and delays in order management. This session will also explore how varied or limited use of EMR systems can contribute to growing receivables or financial reporting inaccuracies. Attendees will be provided insights on how to analyze and improve revenue cycle performance and reporting.