2022 NAHC Conference

Grass Roots Marketing Initiatives that Work: Won't Cost You a Dime (Room 263/264)

24 Oct 22
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM

Tracks: Marketing & Business Development

The growth of internet-based marketing has caused some home care providers to lose sight of the need to personalize their marketing efforts. Patients/clients receiving care at home are typically accustomed to receiving high-level service, and they want to maintain a personal relationship with the agency providing the care. Home care agencies need to adopt marketing strategies at the grassroots level, and this presentation explains how to leverage community-based initiatives that will plant the seed for future growth. The best part is that grassroots programs are usually free or very inexpensive as you only have to invest your time! The presentation will help you plan out how to identify these community targets, develop a strategy, implement the initiative, and continue to plant the seed for future growth.