Technical Panel: Robotic and Intelligent Automation: Increasing Readiness for Military Communicators (Room Denver)

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is the automation of repetitive manual tasks with a computer-based application that has seen widespread interest and adoption across the DoD.  NAVAIR, the Navy's premier acquisition arm for aircraft and airborne technology systems, is one such organizations in the process of piloting new AI-like technologies to improve their levels of service and responsiveness to the military services and combatant commands. Specifically, NAVAIR's Digital Innovation Acceleration Team, led by Joe Incorvia, is looking to implement and scale RPA to enhance the Navy mission.

In this panel, Joe will all talk about his journey in implementing this cutting edge technology and plans for expanding this capability further across NAVAIR, and how RPA provides the distinct advantages of accelerating cycle times, improving capacity and freeing up staff to focus on value-added activities by reducing time spent on mundane manual activities.  He will also be joined by Jonathan Padgett and Mike McGeehan on behalf of UiPath and Blue Prism respectively, two top automation vendors in the Government space, to provide their perspectives and recommendations implementing process automation across the Public Sector.