NASS 2019 Annual Meeting

Surgical Symposium: Endoscopic Spine Surgery: New Techniques and Outcomes (Room Skyline Ballroom W375ab)

Moderators: Michael P. Steinmetz, MD and Christopher A. Yeung, MD


Endoscopic spine surgery is gaining popularity and indications have been expanding more than ever. Endoscopy has not only replaced open and other MIS techniques among the early adopters, but also have been involved in combination of other technologies like laser and awake fusion techniques. In addition, Spine surgery is advancing towards ambulatory care centers as endoscopic surgery provides optimal platform for this transformation. Further, surgeons have found this technique useful in an ever increasing the elderly population with several co-morbid conditions.


This symposium is an update for the 2017 symposium on basic endoscopic approaches which was extremely well attended. We will start with a discussion on adopting endoscopic spine surgery and relevant anatomy. This will be followed by outcomes of different endoscopic approaches, reduced opioid consumption, patient selection and complication avoidance and management. Finally, the symposium will end with newer technologies used in collaboration with endoscopic surgery.


Upon completion of this session, participants should gain strategies to:

  • Determine advanced endoscopic approaches with extended indications;
  • Identify symptom analysis and surgical plan for complex pathologies;
  • Assess international disparity, regional variations and universal reimbursement;
  • Identify newer technology (LASER) and physiological modifications (ERAS) to improve outcomes in morbid patients.



Michael P. Steinmetz, MD


Revision Endoscopic Approaches
Christoph P. Hofstetter, MD, PhD


Lumbar Awake Endoscopic Fusion and ERAS
Ralf Wagner, MD


Thoracic Endoscopic Discectomy: What Lesions Can Be Removed Safely?
Christopher A. Yeung, MD


Interlaminar Discectomy: Technique and Pearls
Jin-Sung Kim, MD, PhD


Investment and Coding for Endoscopy
Nathaniel Brooks, MD


Decision-Making in Endoscopic Surgery: Transforaminal vs. Interlaminar
Daniel T. Laich, DO


Panel Discussion and Questions
Faculty Panel