Kegonomics: Crafting Coffee-on-Tap Programs (Room Platinum 7)

19 Nov 19
8:30 AM - 9:30 AM
Draft coffee, or cold brew on tap, is one of the most compelling products to hit the OCS channel since the K-cup. Growing customer demand has led to an influx of new entrants in the space, which has ultimately given operators many options for the design of their keg programs. But it is not a one-size-fits-all model. The many variables to consider have significant impact on the economics – for both operators and customers – and can be daunting to navigate. This session will explore the growth of cold brew kegs and the current options on the market. Discussion will include trends and innovations in dispensed cold brew, the economics of crafting a keg program that benefits everyone in the value chain, and how to offer cold brew kegs that are low-maintenance and high-margin without sacrificing product quality.