Sensors Expo & Conference 2019

SC3: Measuring Air Quality: Solutions & Pitfalls in Particulate Sensors (Room Executive Ballroom A)

27 Jun 19
1:30 PM - 2:20 PM
David Pariseau, Particles Plus, Inc. // Air quality has been linked in multiple studies to various medical conditions and is increasingly in the news. Many agencies, companies and even individuals are installing sensors in an attempt to characterize their air quality. Recent studies and feedback from stakeholders indicate that many of these air quality sensors are not providing accurate information. A lack of standards has led to a flood of sensors with very poor performance and sometimes intentionally misleading readings. This session delves into the main architectures behind airborne particulate sensors: describing how they function, and discussing the particular benefits and limitations of each. It also examines several issues currently at the forefront of both indoor and outdoor air quality measurement.