KBIS 2020

Guess What! Your Customer is Not Just an Address (Room N228)

21 Jan 20
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM

Tracks: Customer Service

How does a 22 year old with an advertising degree end up in kitchen and bath design? The answer is simple — marketing transcends any industry. But, it takes more than just marketing to get the phone to ring. It takes branding and great service, too. In this practical session, we'll observe key branding opportunities you can quickly put into action that will set yourself apart. We'll discuss ways to elevate your client's experience, from the initial phone call to the birthday parties, family gatherings, and neighborhood potlucks they'll keep inviting you to. And, we'll go over a crash course in branding, marketing, and customer service resources I wish I knew about entering into the industry. Remember, your customer is not just an address—they're your new best friend.

(Qualifies for 0.1 NKBA CEU, 1.00 NAHB CE hour, 1.0 NARI CEU)