KBIS 2020

The Virtual Showroom (Room N229)

21 Jan 20
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM

Tracks: Grow Your Business

For Kitchen and Bath showrooms, changing styles can be a six-figure problem each year. Design trends change on a dime with the Internet, HGTV, and Pinterest. How do you keep up? Let us show you the virtual showroom. Sounds expensive right? WRONG! This will save you in your showroom replacement expenses as well as help you lock that customer in with expectations that wont’ kill your profit margin at the end of the job. We will discuss how inexpensive this process is as well as how to design your showroom to get the most out of it.

Let’s dive into the details of the virtual showroom. Learn the secrets for shopping for technology elements. We will discuss what the key parts are to this process and what you need…. and more importantly what you don’t need. This is not just about gadgets, this is about getting the right tools to close more deals, adding more to your gross margins, and eliminating those mistakes that can make a department bleed money with every sale.

(Qualifies for 0.1 NKBA CEU, 1.00 NAHB CE hour, 1.0 NARI CEU)