KBIS 2020

Sell Yourself to Make the Sale (Room N226)

21 Jan 20
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Tracks: Customer Service

Before a customer decides to give us their money for a major purchase, they decide who they will purchase it from. A consumer will choose someone who they feel comfortable with and referrals more often than on expertise. This can lead to consumer regret and us as professionals wasting a lot of time and energy. This program is designed to help your initial contacts and selling style based upon the consumers communication style, ensuring you gain their confidence from the beginning. Learning skills to deal with the four primary communication styles and when to apply each will boost your consumers comfort in dealing with you and enabling you to sell them that you are their best choice for their project. Techniques that will aid you in maintaining their confidence, leading to future referrals will also be discussed.

(Qualifies for 0.1 NKBA CEU, 1.00 NAHB CE hour, 1.0 NARI CEU)