KBIS 2020

How To Make Deeper Connections With Your Customers To Drive Growth (Room N228)

21 Jan 20
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Tracks: Grow Your Business

“Get the voice of the customer” or “We need to be more customer-centric” are slogans that are tossed around most organizations within the home building industry. However, have you asked the question of what that entails or what this means? David’s session will walk you through best practices from a long marketing career that’s spanned organizations like Procter & Gamble, Merck, and Samsung. These techniques will get you to think about what’s preventing your customer from fully adopting your brand - key building blocks for any marketing plan. David will also walk you through how to leverage those insights into messaging strategies that will unlock your brand’s potential.

(Qualifies for 0.1 NKBA CEU, 1.00 NAHB CE hour, 1.0 NARI CEU)