Cable-Tec Expo 2019

Increasing Operational Efficiency with Innovative Modeling and an Enterprise-Wide Lean Culture (Room 218-219)

Cable operators face unprecedented levels of competition, driven by rapid technological advancements. To adapt, they must increase network build and operational efficiency, identify waste, and empower teams to resolve challenges at all levels. CableLabs will describe several general-purpose operations cost models that can be used to estimate benefits from operational improvements. These models examine the state of a network after a period of time, to understand the effects of degradation, compare proactive to reactive work, and estimate long-term costs from a change in operations. Shaw will present a methodology for identifying, prioritizing and resolving inefficient processes, as well as a strategy for fostering a lean culture that enables ongoing and sustainable efficiency improvements across many different teams. Details about its three-pillar implementation approach of People, Purpose, and Process to promote cultural adoption will be provided, along with enterprise-wide results achieved.