2020 Virginia Fire + Rescue Conference

Harassment in the Fire Service: Zero Tolerance or Total Tolerance? (Room 4AB)

19 Feb 20
1:00 PM - 2:45 PM

Tracks: Leadership and Managment

Have you completed your compliance training?...you know, the one that says you understand about Quid Pro Quo in the workplace, and dating co-workers can have negative professional outcomes? Check! The one that says texting photos of your inebriated self, in the bar, in uniform, at the conference, will cause your career dissipation light to flash into overdrive? Check! The one that says having the new guy feed the goldfish in the Tanker, is harassment? Wait!...What?!? We can't do that?!? Come join us for an open dialogue discussion on harassment; not just the obvious, but the more insidious subtle forms that pervade our culture. The modern fire service touts a culture of respect, tolerance, and inclusion for all; that as brothers and sisters, we need to care for and nurture each other. Are we just talk, or are we walking the walk?!? True Change starts with a conversation, no matter your level in the chain of command. Come tell us what's on your mind!