2020 Virginia Fire + Rescue Conference

Rediscovering the Past to Brighten the Future: A Glance Back at the Wisdom and History of Leadership (Room 1D)

21 Feb 20
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Leadership and Managment

Let's put our modern take on some time-honored leadership lessons. Using the ancient authors, poets and historians from around the world (along with their story telling), let's demonstrate that while the world has most definitely changed and continues to evolve rapidly, the tenets of leadership have remained the same. They can be used a effectively today as when they were discovered and in some cases are more critical than ever before. Together in this interactive session we will explore leadership through case studies, old and new, to uncover the principles and practices of true leadership. Then, let's determine how we can use these lessons to remain credible, relevant and connected as leaders in a era and with a workforce which requires change at a pace our big, messy, cumbersome, paramilitary organizations can't begin to handle.