2020 Virginia Fire + Rescue Conference

Tactical Considerations for the Volunteer Fire Dept. (Room 4AB)

21 Feb 20
1:00 PM - 2:45 PM

Tracks: Volunteer Fire Service

This presentation will identify fifteen basic tactical considerations to help chief officers, line officers, and firefighters of volunteer fire departments to prepare, train, and prioritize fireground tasks. These tactical considerations will help volunteer firefighters get started in the early stages of a structure fire and help them maintain a pro-active incident. Many times, there are not enough firefighters at the beginning of the incident to accomplish all the necessary tasks on the fireground. The tactical considerations taught are based on successful and unsuccessful experiences on the fireground and nationally recognized fireground principles and practices. This presentation will aid the student in developing operational guidelines, training, and how to prioritize and accomplish fireground tasks by dissecting and examining the tactical considerations. The practices and concepts taught are effective, safe, inexpensive, and can be applied immediately.