2020 Virginia Fire + Rescue Conference

Leadership Lessons from the Sandbox -Iraq, Afghanistan and other Garden Spots (Room 1C)

22 Feb 20
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Tracks: Leadership and Managment

The Fire Service has a lot in common with the military and other government organizations that provide security and combat support. You find that team concepts, safety, survive ability have a common theme and focus. This program provides some real world lessons on leadership, team operations, safety, survival tips and planning. These lessons were personally learned during 8 months in Afghanistan, three years in Iraq and another two years in Africa and a variety of middle east and other locations. These lessons are immediately transferable to you, your organization and your application of strategy and tactics, planning and team building Its a different twist, with lessons from combat zones and high threat environments taken from all over the world. Its challenging and opens your collective though process to new methods and functional realities