2020 Virginia Fire + Rescue Conference

Going the Distance on Developing Leadership Habits (Room 4AB)

20 Feb 20
1:00 PM - 2:45 PM

Tracks: Leadership and Managment

This class is about living your life as a leader by developing and reinforcing daily habits and setting goals that you put into action to strengthen your leadership development. We will go beyond the usual discussion of character traits and map out a course of action that will put you on a road of successful personal growth. This interactive class will get you to think about yourself from a broad perspective and help you identify where you can start, or strengthen, your leadership development. Participants will identify how to reinforce or change patterns of behavior in order to strengthen leadership transformation and development and apply leadership skills to everyday life. In addition, they will realize how specific goal setting produces desired results with leadership actions and behaviors. We will also discuss how to change others’ perception of you as you focus on your leadership goals through practice and practical application.