2020 Virginia Fire + Rescue Conference

The Hat Dance: Realities of the Short-Staffed C.O. (Room 3A)

21 Feb 20
1:00 PM - 2:45 PM

Tracks: Company Officer

As adequate staffing becomes more of a fantasy than a reality for most, modern company officers are asked to wear many hats ranging from tailboard firefighter to command-level officer. This class aims to empower and encourage company officers who routinely operate as members of crews with 3 or less personnel armed only with formal training and education designed for staffing models that are no longer realistic. We will break down how to balance firemanship and leadership, discuss how to adapt leadership and managerial responsibilities to low staffing environments, the delicate balance of mentor and boss, proper approaches to delegation, the importance of humility, and strategies for accomplishing mission critical tasks early in the incident without the manpower to do so. By bridging personal and departmental expectations with the realities of limited manpower, current and aspiring company officers will leave with the tools and attitudes necessary to lead their teams to victory lane.