UTC Telecom & Technology 2019

Lessons from Overseas: How a Brazilian Utility Developed Future Planning for Automation (Room 201BC)

20 Jun 19
2:40 PM - 3:40 PM

Tracks: SCADA, AMI & Utility Automation

CEMIG, one of the largest power companies in Brazil, has close to 10 million customers over an area larger than France. The impact of electrical cars and distributed energy, along with the modernization of the existing network, requires long-term expansion planning. The U.S. Trade and Development Agency sponsored a Technical Assistance grant with CEMIG to perform a 15-year communications plan. Celplan Technologies and CEMIG worked together to produce a report covering every aspect of the electrical network evolution and the actions to be taken to support the market demand and the effective network modernization. In this session, attendees will learn the main findings of this report and have an opportunity to discuss and share lessons learned.