UTC Telecom & Technology 2019

Employing Packet Switched Networks for Critical Applications (Room 202B)

20 Jun 19
10:30 AM - 11:30 AM

Tracks: Business Drivers of Telecom Infrastructure

Migrating utility communications networks from traditional SONET/SDH  to a more flexible, packet based converged IT/OT network is the goal of many utilities.  The impetus to migrate might be well identified, but the actual transition process is not as well understood.   When looking forward to the transition, it is important to understand and document what is working well with the current SONET/SDH platform, and work to maintain this level of performance, particularly for the mission critical services.  It is also important to understand the limitations of the current SONET/SDH platform, and utilize the new technology to improve performance.  And finally, do not let the existing network architecture, or current services dictate the updated network, and take advantage of simplifications and optimizations available.