Railway Interchange 2019

Fuel, Lubricants, & Environmental Committee Session 1: Effects of a HDRD Fuel Surrogate on Emissions and Fuel Efficiency of a GE Tier-2 Line Haul Locomotive, 2018 RR’s Used Oil Test Lab Evals (Room 208AB)

23 Sep 19
11:00 AM - 11:35 AM

Tracks: Locomotive Maintenance

Effects of a Hydrogenation Derived Renewable Diesel (HDRD) Fuel Surrogate on Emissions and Fuel Efficiency of a GE Tier-2 Line Haul Locomotive – Jerainne Heywood, Ph.D., Wabtec Corporation

Renewable Diesel (aka HDRD) Fuel is becoming more prevalent in the North American diesel fuel supply.  Because no additional labeling is required for HDRD fuel, it is not easy to identify which specific fuel streams contain HDRD or the quantity in any given fuel delivery.  As such, minimal emissions and efficiency testing has been performed with HDRD.

This presentation details emissions and efficiency test results from prior experience with Fischer Tropsch (FT) diesel fuel.  FT diesel fuel is chemically similar to HDRD, thus provides a good basis for comparison and prediction of HDRD performance.

Used Oil Analysis – Is it Reliable? – Dennis McAndrew, Dennis McAndrew, Inc.

Analysis of locomotive lubricating oil (aka Used Oil Analysis, or ‘UOA’) is an important tool for reducing costs associated with engine operation by determining engine maintenance needs, maximizing reliability and efficiency, and minimizing unplanned engine down time.  However, these benefits rely on accurate, precise, repeatable and reproducible data from the oil analysis laboratory, as well as proper interpretation of the data. 

This presentation details evaluation of several UOA programs noting what tests were acceptable, where improvements were needed, and provides suggestions for future refinements of the UOA programs.