Policy & Leadership Development Conference 2019

The Four Cornerstones of Talent Mangagement/Thriving in a Multi-Generational Workforce (Room Colorado Ballroom A - D)

15 Jun 19
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM

Tracks: Leadership Development

This game-changing session will provide you with two key take-aways from your time at PLDC. The talent management game has changed. It’s estimated the current workforce will fill only 61% of the projected demand for talent in the ag industry in 2019. If that is correct, there will be nearly 20,000 job openings left unfilled by year end. Your candidates and employees now have more options than ever. In this session, Mark Waschek will share 4 critical components to talent management that will enable your organization to be more effective in this highly competitive environment. The game has changed in how you attract talent, how you hire talent, and how you retain talent. Have you changed your game?  Mark will share his immediately-implementable process for how to properly recruit, hire, retain and growing new employees at your company and foster integration into your work culture. Then, leadership expert and author Lisa Ryan of Grategy will illuminate ways to navigate today's multi-generational workforce. Don't miss this important session to help you reach New Frontiers in your employee onboarding process and multi-generational company culture!