WPPI 2020

[PC12] How To Take A Great Professional Portrait of Anyone, Anywhere, At Any Time in Five Minutes (Room Islander E)

25 Feb 20
8:30 AM - 10:00 AM

Tracks: Portrait

A good professional photographer must be able to think on their feet. No matter where they are, they should be able to quickly figure out how to take a great portrait. Booray has developed a step-by-step system that removes the stress and worry from shooting on location. You’ll learn: how to assess your location quickly and decide which path to take to get your shot; step-by-step walk-throughs for each of the three paths (natural light, bounce flash and off-camera light); and why you have always struggled and how to overcome it! Booray will conduct a live shoot and walk you through each step, showing how each new element changes his image until finally arriving at the finished product. Walk into any situation, any location, at any time of day and quickly follow a path that leads you to a great portrait in five minutes!