CAPPO 2020

We Saved You a Seat: Become the FEMA Procurement Expert Your Team Can't Do Without (Room Pacific 2)

FEMA recently shared that disaster cost recovery training is one of the weakest links in emergency management. With the majority of de-obligated dollars attributed to procurement, the Procurement Officer’s guidance is invaluable toward protecting FEMA recovery dollars. We’ll take a dive into topics that will arm you to not only take a seat at the recovery planning table but will inspire your organization to save you a seat because of your advanced knowledge navigating FEMA recovery pitfalls. Topics will include: profit negotiated as a separate element, cost plus contracts, deciphering form vs. function, determining proper use of time and materials contracts, how to deal with a single response to a bid, and FEMA’s view of Intergovernmental Agreements Joint Procurements.