Face & Body Southeast 2020

Boots and Beauty: Self Care In and Out of Uniform (Room LIVE Stage -Booth 429)

08 Feb 20
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

Tracks: Wellness

The biggest issue for most active military and veteran women is that they don’t have a chance to relax. They spend so much time wearing multiple hats. They can’t enjoy being a lady. They need to understand the value of having services performed on them. When military women receive restoration they become better members of society, so in this presentation, I will be discussing the importance of military women receiving rest and relaxation.  

Beauty is self care. We are taught to take care if everyone else and not ourselves. We are taught to polish our boots and prepare our uniform. Just because our outside is polished, we take off the boots at home and are overwhelmed. Oftentimes with the military restrictions for the uniform, women aren’t afforded the opportunity to show their personality until they are out of uniform. I will speak to women on the importance of self care in or out of uniform. Beauty comes from within but radiates on the outside