The Car Wash Show 2019

IMPACT SESSION: The Future of Consumerism (Technology) (Room Grand Ballroom BC)

13 May 19
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM

Tracks: Premium Pass, Technology

In this fascinating talk, Doug Stephens will tackle the future of consumerism. He’ll shed light on the key shifts in economics, demographics, technology and media that are completely transforming the consumer landscape and the very essence of how we buy. Who the consumer is, in addition to how, where and even why they shop, is changing rapidly and forever. The way our stores look—and how we interact with them—is constantly in flux. Mobile technology, social commerce, artificial intelligence, the internet of things, virtual reality, big data and a deluge of developing technology are all conspiring to forever change how we buy. How do we cope with all these transformations? Doug will share what smart brands are doing today to reimagine their businesses and capitalize on these historic changes.