Digital Dealer Conference & Expo 27

How to Eliminate "Heat" and Get Customer Retention Above 80% Within 12 Months -- Taking Control of Your Service Department (Room Oceanside E)

20 Aug 19
3:30 PM - 4:20 PM

Tracks: Dealer Ops & Management – ALL, Dealer Ops & Management (Customer Experience), Dealer Ops & Management (Fixed Ops), Dealer Ops & Management (Leadership)

In your customer’s mind, the average service advisor misleads, lies, and routinely does not meet customer expectations. This is not done through malice but done because that is what the auto industry itself has taught and actually encourages your advisors to do. Year after year, the industry gives your advisors training and processes that do not work but instead moves you further and further away from your goals of success. Year after year, the industry develops new technology and software programs that actually set your advisors up for failure. It sets them up to mislead and lie to the customers, again, in the customer’s mind.

This can get quickly and easily turned around with time-tested, customer techniques that actually work. After having visited and worked on over 3,000 service drives, Jeff Cowan has developed and will share with you a very simple process that will not only get you above 80% customer retention within 12 months but will also maximize your sales and deliver the highest survey scores possible.

During this session, you will learn no less than six word tracks that will show your service team how to take control of the customer and exceed their expectations every time they visit. Jeff will identify how today’s customers think, what they respond to, and how to make them believe that your department is the best option for all of their service needs. He will provide a list of the top three mistakes that dealers are currently making that is keeping them from reaching the highest levels of success.

This session will help you to identify which technologies and software programs work, as well as which do not, and further prove how some of the technologies and software could work but are mis-installed by the venders and manufacture who supply it. You will learn that the problems you face in getting the results you desire are a "top-down" concern and not the other way around. You’ll be surprised at how quick and easy it is to earn and sustain the highest levels of customer retention, survey scores, sales, and effective labor rate. If you truly desire to be the best in these and other areas, this is a workshop that will finally supply the answers that the industry as a whole has missed.

Primary Learning Objectives:

  • Learn how to take control of customers and eliminate "heat cases" forever.
  • Learn 6 word tracks that guarantee the absolute highest customer retention and maximum sales.
  • Learn how to get perfect survey scores.