Homebrew Con 2019

The Sour Symposium with The Mad Fermentationist (Room Ballroom DE)

27 Jun 19
9:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Separate registration required.

Sour beer is an inadequate descriptor for that half of the beer flavor spectrum that balances malt sweetness with acidity instead of bitterness—we just wish there were a more descriptive name! These beers range from tart, refreshing, 3% ABV summer wheat beers loaded with lemon zest to 12% ABV vinous behemoths that offer all the richness and depth of your favorite “imperial.” Homebrewers may find sour beers intimidating because of preconceptions about aging requirements, the need for blending, and the risk of contaminating clean beers with “wild” microbes.

In three hours, you’ll learn how to design recipes, select microbes, source barrels, and flavor sour beers with fruit, spices, and hops. No single approach is perfect for all sour beers: from kettle sours to spontaneous fermentations, the process you pick depends on your palate and constraints. Cut through the Latin names and learn how to make world-class beers with Lactobacillus, Brettanomyces, Wickerhamomyces, and company in your basement or garage without turning your IPAs sour—unless, of course, that’s what you want!